Celebration Of Life / Funeral
Celebration of Life
Celebration of Life

Pie Jesu, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sarah Brightman, Maureen Christine

On Eagles Wings - Maureen Christine; Funeral Song, Celebration Of Life, Traditional Hymn

Climb Every Mountain - Maureen Christine with chamber ensemble (Don Stille)
Every life has its own unique story. The last farewell should celebrate your loved one’s life in a personal and meaningful way. Maureen's beautiful voice and comforting delivery of special songs, popular favorites, and traditional hymns can help you through this time with the restorative power of song.
Specially chosen music for Funerals, Memorial Services, Grave-site Services. Luminary Memorials and Celebrations of Life. Maureen singing offers a calming, uplifting, and unifying spirit. Maureen's music promotes healing for family and friends who gather together.
Songs: Maureen offers a wide repertoire of songs from traditional funeral songs and hymns to popular songs from yesterday and today. You can choose any music for a funeral or Celebration Of Life that has special meaning for your family. Maureen can even customize a favorite song to make it more personal for the family or the loved one. From My Way, Wind Beneath My Wings, In My Life, You'll Never Walk Alone and The Prayer to Amazing Grace or How Great Thou Art.
Musicians: Maureen can provide musicians such as a pianist (electric keyboard available by request) flute. guitar, strings, or work with your church’s accompanist. She can also sing live to pre-recorded custom accompaniment music if live musicians are not an applicable option. She can bring her accompaniment music on Ipad to the Gravesite.
Maureen believes that singing at a service to commemorate and celebrate a loved one’s life is a privilege and a calling. She’d be honored to help you through your transition.
Maureen Christine Music is an award-winning vocalist with a crystal clear voice, sophisticated yet warm, and delightful personality.